Making decisions is easy ...
it's living with them that was hard.
Have you ever made a 'bad' decision?
Want to know how to make only good decisions?
Everything you are experiencing in life reflects what you feel you
Every decision in your past was made with a positive intent. Every
decision in your future will be made with a positive intent. If you would like to make better decisions,
follow the four steps below.
When it comes to making decisions, there are four elements to
ATTENTION: Paying attention is the first step
First comes awareness. Making decisions and changes requires awareness.
Being fully present allows you to notice what is going on in your life. Conscious
change requires conscious awareness which is where decisions, and change, begin. Using all of your
brain, both left and right, conscious and unconscious, allows better decisions and speeds you towards the
life results you desire.
INTENTION: Your life is the outcome of your intentions
Ah, Intention. The choice, conscious or unconscious to do or be something.
Sounds simple. Actually it is if we are fully present to recognize what our intentions are. Your current life
is the direct result of all your intentions to date. And your life from here on in will be the result of all
your future intentions. Do you get why it might be important to pay attention to your intentions? If
you want to make better decisions, change your intent. So first comes awareness, followed by
intention, followed by thought.
THOUGHT: Your thoughts matter - your thoughts create matter
Your thoughts matter. In fact, your thoughts create matter. If followed by
action that is. So first comes awareness, followed by intention, followed by thought, followed by
ACTION: Your life is the direct result of your actions
What action we take, which includes taking no action by the way, is entirely
dependent on what we pay attention to, the intention we have, and the thoughts that follow. Once we
have taken action, we then repeat the cycle of Attention, Intention, Thoughts and
Now. Have you given any attention to the fact that intention comes before
thought? It is time you do. It is the reason you are here.
We begin by being fully present, by paying attention to what we feel and what
we are thinking right now, by paying attention to our breathing ....
Not clear about your first step? We are here to
Everything you are experiencing in your life right now reflects decisions that you made in the
Everything you are experiencing in your life right now reflects what you feel you
Your true intention may be obscured by your beliefs and thoughts.
Your best decisions are made when your beliefs and values are in complete
All your life results to date reflect your belief in what you feel you deserve
Not clear about your first step? We are here to help.